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2000 - Instruction

2000 - Goals 
2100 - Curriculum Development and Assessment
2110 - Lesson Plan 
2120 - Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests

2125 - Instruction
2130 - Research Studies

2140 - Student and Family Privacy Rights 
2140F - Consent Form
2150 - Copyright
2150P - Copyright Compliance
2200 - School Year, Calendar, Instructional Hours
2210 - School Closure

2210P - School Closure Procedure

2210P2 - Health Emergency Related School Closure
2220 - Prekindergarten Programs 
2230 - Grade Organization

2230P - Student Placement

2240 - Class Size 
2300 - Guidance and Counseling 
2305 - Nutrition Services 
2310 - Nutrition Education 

2320 - Health Enhancement Education 
2325 - Driver Training Education 
2330 - Community and Adult Education
​2335 - Digital Citizenship and Safety Education 
2340 - Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
2340F - Sex Education Opt-Out Form 
2345 - Speakers in the Classroom
2345P - Controversial Speakers Procedure
2350 - Religious Activity at School 
2355 - Release Time 
2360 - Interscholastic Activities
2370 - Homebound, Hospital and Home Instruction
2380 - Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waiver
2382 - Service Animals in School 

2385 - English Learners Program 
2390 - Migrant Education Program 
2395 - IDLA Classes

2400 - Special Education
2410 - Section 504
2410P - Section 504 Procedure

2415 - Supporting Students with Characteristics of Dyslexia
2420 - Title 1
2420P - Title 1 - Parent Involvement
2425 - Parental Rights
2430 - Gifted and Talented Program 
2435 - Advanced Opportunities 

2435F - Advanced Opportunities Participation Form
2440 - Online Courses
2450 - Contracted Student Services

2470 - Self-Directed Learners
2500 - Library Materials 

2500F - Library Materials Form
2510 - Selection of Library Materials 
2510P - Selection of Library Materials Procedure
2520 - Curricular Materials
2530 - Learning Materials Review and Reconsideration

2530F - Request for Review and Reconsideration
2550 - Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education

2560 - Contests for Students
2570 - Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings 
2570F - Parental Movie Opt-Out/Consent Form 

2580 - Use of Animals in Educational Programs

2580F - Use of Animals Form

2580P - Use of Animals Procedure
2600 - Promotion/Retention 
2605 - Advanced Requirements (6 through 9)

2610 - Advanced Requirements (9 through 12) 
2620 - Grading and Progress Reports
2625 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
2630 - Homework 
2630P - Homework - Procedure

2640 - Mastery Based Education
2700 - High School Graduation Requirements

2700P1 - Graduation Requirements Procedure 1
2700P2 - Graduation Requirements Procedure 2

2701 - Alternative Measure to the ISATs
2705 - Military Compact Waiver

2710 - Stem Diploma
2715 - Secondary Route to Graduation
2720 - Participation in Commencement Exercises

2800 - Objectives

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