Heather Leishman
Heather Leishman
Heather Leishman

Buhl School District
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Breakfast Grades K - 12 $3.25
Reduced Breakfast $ .30
Lunch Grades K - 12 $4.00
Reduced Lunch $ .40
Adult Breakfast $3.75
Adult Lunch $4.75
ATTENTION: Popplewell Elementary no longer qualifies for Provision 2 breakfast program this year. This means there is pricing involved for breakfast meals. Breakfast will now be served in the cafeteria in the mornings before the bell rings. It is important to fill out the 2024-2025 free and reduced meal application.
Free & Reduced Lunch
Apply Online!
Private, Convenient, Safe & Secure!
Applying for meal benefits has never been easier.
Click the link to get started.
Pay for breakfast and lunch
Please follow the instructions below to pay student meals.
Charge Policy: The USDA mandates that all school districts that operate under the National School Lunch Program establish charge limits. In doing so, Buhl School District has established a 3 meal courtesy charge. If you are receiving phone calls or texts it is because your students account has entered into a negative balance and a payment must be applied. This is an automated alert through our computer system, you can see the amount and the transactions through your parent portal.
Please make sure that your contact information is current to receive notices concerning lunch balances. You can find our Lunch Charge Policy here.
Accessing the parent portal allows a parent to see what is happening with their students. If you click on the “Balance” tab in the portal you will be able to see your students lunch balance.
You can find information on creating a parent portal account here.
USDA Non Discrimination Statement