Heather Leishman
Heather Leishman
Heather Leishman

Now Enrolling for Summer
Buhl School district offers three Driver's Education courses per year. A Fall Session, a Spring Session, and a Summer Session. Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis. You/your student must meet the following requirements to enter Buhl Schools Drivers Education Program:
Students should be in good academic standing. Drivers Ed requires extra time in addition to regular school work. It may be difficult to take Drivers Ed while playing a school sport.
How to get your driver's permit:
The student and his/her parent or guardian together must take the following items to the DMV in order to secure a driver's permit. Please inform the clerk at DMV that the permit will need to be sent to Buhl School Districts' program. If the student's last name is different from that of the parent/guardian, appropriate records should be made available that provides proof of the parent/guardian's relationship to the student. (Step-parents cannot be liability signers unless legal adoption papers from the court are provided).
To obtain your permit, you must have the following documents:
A “Verification of Compliance” and an application from the school. Students can secure these forms from the school office.
An original, state certified birth certificate. Certificate must be issued from the state where you were born. If official, it will have a raised or embossed seal on it. Copies of certificates will not be accepted. Hospital certificates will not be accepted. Students must be fourteen years six months (14 ½) years old on or before the day they purchase a driver's permit.
Photo Identification. Legal Parent/Guardian and student must provide photo ID. (student activity card, yearbook, military card, etc.)
Social Security number - you may want to bring your card for verification.
$21.50 to pay for permit. Cash or Check Only.
After obtaining the "Temporary" permit - log into our website and register online. You will be asked for your temporary ID number.
CLASS FEE: $200.00 - Cash/Checks Payment plan available.
Minimum deposit of $100.00 required at parent/student meeting (an email will be sent regarding the date and time of your parent/student meeting). Final payments are due by the date of the first class.
Last day for a partial refund is 5 days prior to date of first class. Refund will be amount paid less a $50 administrative fee.
Bring "Temporary" permit (from DMV) - Needed to guarantee a place in the program.
Class fee, minimum deposit of $100.00 required. Cash or personal check will be accepted. Please make checks payable to "Buhl School Distict". We are unable to process credit/debit cards at this time.
If you have not registered online - a computer will be available at the meeting.
Students are required to have 30 hours of classroom instruction. This is achieved in two-hour class periods over 15 days. There is a final exam on the last day of class and weekly work and quizzes throughout the session. Students must score an 80% or higher in order to pass the class.
Students are required to have minimum of 6 hours behind the wheel and a minimum of 6 hours observation time. This is achieved by two hour sessions, whereby student drivers drive for one hour, and observe another student driver for one hour.
Driver's Education is a serious undertaking and must be made a priority during the time your are enrolled. Because of the amount of information being presented each day by the instructor, guest speakers, videos, etc., regular student attendance is necessary to successfully complete the course. Under the guidelines of the Idaho State Department of Education, a student must attend a minimum of thirty hours of classroom instruction. Also required are six hours of driving time and six hours of observation.
Only one absence will be allowed during the course of drivers training. All work must be completed. The make-up time is to be arranged with the instructors and will cost the student an additional $30.00 for the first absence and $45.00 for the second absence. Students missing more than one class/drive will be dropped and the class fee will not be refunded.
Driving instructors plan their days and routes in advance. If a student does not show up for a drive or is tardy, the instructor may charge a make-up fee. Please always be on time for the driving instruction.