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PES Supply List

The following standardized supply list is for Popplewell Elementary School, grades Kindergarten through Grade 5. The supplies listed under required have been determined as necessary materials for each student to have in order to be prepared for school each day. Since these supplies are necessary for a student to be prepared for class, parents may be asked to replenish during the year should your child’s supplies become depleted or unusable.

There are two areas on the list a required and an option part. The student bringing supplies will utilize their own required classroom supplies please place their name on the required items. However, there is an optional portion of the list, this optional portion, at the bottom of the list, is not required but greatly needed. The optional supplies will be used communally so they do not need the student’s name.

Finally, not all students bring supplies; any support from parents in providing additional classroom supplies is greatly appreciated, but is not necessary (both required and optional). All supplies can be purchased at local retail stores.

Thank you for supporting your children and Popplewell Elementary.

School Supplies



1 pkg. yellow pencils

1 pink eraser

4 boxes of 8 Crayola crayons (no flourescents)

1 pkg. large glue sticks

1 school box with name

1 scissors

1 box of crayola water color paints

2 folders


2 large containers of sanitizing wipes

4 White board markers

1 pkg pencil top erasers

Ziploc gallon bags

1 large Kleenex Box


First Grade


2 packages of 10 #2 pencils/Ticconderoga preferred/ No pencil sharpeners please

2 boxes of 24 crayons

1 pencil box/ no locking boxes

4 pink erasers

1 pair of children's scissors

2 pocket folders

1 box washable markers

1 set of water colors

4 jumbo glue sticks

1 large bottle of glue


1 bottle hand sanitizer (last names A-F)

Ziploc quart size bags (last names G-M)

Ziploc gallon size bags (last name N-S)

Ziploc snack size bags (last name T-Z)

6-8 White board markers

1 large boxes of kleenex

1 large containers of sanitizing wipes (Clorox, Lysol, Costco)




1 package of glue sticks

3 spiral notebooks

1 box of crayons

48 # 2 pencils

1 box of markers

1 box of colored pencils

1 pencil bag/box

1 pair of children's scissors

Ruler--inches and centimeters

2 pocket folders

1 clipboard

1 package of index cards

2 packages of loose leaf wide ruled paper


8 White board markers

1 boxes of Kleenex

1 large containers of sanitizing wipes

2 highlighters

1 bottle of hand sanitizer

1 box of quart size Ziploc bags (Last name A-M)

1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (Last name N-Z)





Constant supply # 2 pencils/Ticonderoga preferred

2 large quality erasers (ex. Pink Pearl)

1 box 24 count crayons

2 pack of 12 Colored pencils or


1 pencil pouch or pencil box

4 pkg. WIDE RULED loose leaf notebook paper

1 Composition notebook

2 pocket folders

1 large glue stick

1 pair scissors

1 ruler (inch and centimeter)preferred see-through)

1 old clean sock or small white board eraser

2 packs pencil top erasers

2 red pens for correcting

8 spiral notebooks—wide ruled

Multiplication cards—Facts 0-12



1 large boxes of Kleenex

1 large containers of sanitizing wipes (Clorox, Lysol, Costco)

If last name begins with A-M: 1 box Ziploc baggies: gallon size

If last name begins with N-Z: 1 box Ziploc baggies: sandwich size

4 Black White board markers dry erase markers





Pencil box or pouch (large size)

48- #2 pencils

4- 100 ct. package loosleaf notebook paper

3- composition notebooks

3- pocket folders

8- Big White board markers dry erase markers


3- glue sticks

1- bottle glue

ruler (inches and centimeters)

colored pencils


3- red pens


2- disinfecting wipes

2- boxes tissue

ear buds

8- Big White board markers dry erase markers




2 packages of loose-leaf notebook paper (refill as needed)

48- #2 pencils (refill as needed)

6 dry erase markers (refill as needed)

Ruler (inches and centimeters)

Set of colored pencils

1 box markers

1 box of crayons

Pencil erasers or pink eraser

5 spiral notebooks

1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue

3 glue sticks

1 pencil pouch/box

1 pair pointed 6” scissors


2 large boxes of Kleenex

1 large container of sanitizing wipes

Hand Sanitizer

Old clean Sock for dry erase board


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