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Popplewell Newsletter - November

Dear Popplewell Elementary Families, Staff, Students and Buhl Community,

As fall comes to an end, our year is off to a great start and I want to say thank you to everyone for their continued support, love, and care of Popplewell.

November has arrived quickly! Parent/Teacher conferences are completed and the students are progressing. Thanks to all of the parents in attendance. If circumstances did not allow you to attend. It is okay to call your child’s teacher and make an appointment.

Popplewell Elementary teachers are busy! In addition to planning teacher conferences, excellent lessons, teaching every minute of the day, and keeping organized, they also attend professional development classes on Late Start Mondays. This helps to make their instruction the best it can be. As our Late Start Mondays (professional development), come to an end, don’t forget we start Monday, November 5th back to our regular schedule. Have your students here at 8:00 am. The late starts will start up again in April.

Last but definitely not least! Cold weather has officially returned. Students need as many opportunities as possible to go outside for recess. This is a vital part of the school day. This helps students burn off energy stored up from mornings full of learning, exercise and simply socialize with their peers. Please make sure your children have dressed appropriately for these cold days. For the safety and comfort of our students, it is essential that they are dressed appropriately and prepared for the colder weather. Here are some important reminders:

Early Mornings

Please remember that students are not to be on campus prior to 7:45, when the doors open and supervision begins. Students that arrive before this time are unsupervised before 7:45. Your child’s safety is a high priority. Please, make sure you do not drop off your student before 7:45 am.

What to wear

Students need to dress appropriately for the cold weather. Students need to come to school with coats, hats, gloves, and appropriate footwear for cold weather. Please remember that our students go outside every day for recess. Unfortunately, we do not have coats, hats and/or gloves for students to borrow. It is important to double check with your child as they head off to school and make sure they have their winter wear. Also, please put your child’s name on all items. We know these items are costly, and we want them to be identifiable in the lost and found. Remind your child if they have lost items to check the lost and found located near the office.

Again, I want to thank everyone for all they do for our community and the Buhl School District.


Cynthia Cooper

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