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January Writing & Art Challenge

May the challenge begin! This month you will be challenged with fostering creativity by going into the fictional world. This means creating something that is imaginative, false, a fantasy etc. Look for your schools specific challenge details and start getting creative!

January Deadline: Saturday, January 26 3:30PM

*Winners will be announced by the end of the month. Be sure to check your email for further information.


Elementary Writers

K - 2: 100 word max

3 - 5: 500 word max

Challenge: Write your very own fictional short story.

Elementary Artists

Challenge: Draw your very own fictional story board with 4 -6 frames.

Medium: Using only colored pencils

Middle School Writers

Challenge: Write your very own fictional short story.

Word Max: 1,000

Middle School Artists

*Due to Mrs. Hall's request to keep the original January prompt the BMS prompt is different from everyone else.

Challenge: You decide. The paper is your oyster.

Medium: Use only oil pastels

High School/WAKAPA Writers

Challenge: Write your very own fictional short story.

Word Max: 1,000

High School/WAKAPA Artists

Challenge: Draw your very own fictional story board with 4 -6 frames.

Medium: Using only colored pencils

Challenge Details:

Writers: Please send me your final draft through Google Documents to before the deadline. Your writing should be in MLA format and include a Title. Make sure to include your full name, email address, and grade level when you turn it in. Always remember, if you have any questions feel free to email me.

Artists: Please send me your final draft, either by scanning your creation or taking a clear picture and sending it to me by email at Creations turned in after the deadline time will not be considered for the challenge. You are free to use your paper of choice and include any colors. You can create your storyboard boxes using whatever shape, you don't have to stick to the traditional rectangle shape. Feel free to experiment and let me know in which order the story goes. You may also include text but you are not required.

*You may use pen or sharpie to outline.

To All: Please make sure to keep all writing and art work school appropriate. We will be looking for those who followed the guidelines and turned in their work on time. Bonus points for those who foster their creativity with this challenge. For this month you will be working solo but you are free to ask for help with any questions you have. Again, if you have any questions please email me and I will be more than happy to get you on track. Examples for the story boards are within the images on this page. Can't wait to see how you challenge yourself this month!

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