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Making History: April Challenge Winners

History in the Making: Banner

Fostering Creativity

We are easily reminded of the many people who have changed history. As we look back on how the world and our daily lives have changed those faces we look back on become a clear image which resonates in our thoughts. Considering that the month of April was a month dedicated to poetry, it was time to challenge our students to take on the poetic role. The writers were challenged with writing a poem about a person who has changed history or who is changing history. (This did not need to be about someone famous.) The artists on the other hand were to create a piece using chalk pastel or charcoal about a person who has changed history or who is changing history. They had the advantage of also finding a poem and creating an art piece of what it meant to them.

Here are your April Challenge Winners! We hope you enjoy their creativity and in turn begin to foster your own. There is only one month left for the art and writing challenge. Who will be the ultimate winner?


Art Winning Pieces: (Click on image to enlarge)


Writing Winning Pieces: (Click on link to view)

By: Ardice Fogelsong

By: Hailey Black



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