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BSD | Superintendent Letter


Buhl School District Parents, Students and Staff,

As the end of our first semester is quickly approaching, I would like to thank you all for the cooperation and effort it took to get the school year going. We have enjoyed a wonderful fall with our students being in class.

Here is a recap of the highlights:

  • The COVID Operations Plan we implemented in August is working. Parents, students and staff have done their part. With the added air purification and sanitation practices put into place, we haven't had any interruption to our school year.

  • In September the district started a strategic planning process that gathered information about our district from all stakeholders within the community through interviews and a survey. We will use the information gathered to update our district goals, identify areas for improvement and celebrate areas of strength.

  • In November our community showed its support once again by passing a supplemental levy. This levy has been in place since 2012 and helps provide so many critical programs and opportunities for our students.

  • The November election also provided our district with three new board members. They will start their terms in January. Please welcome Paul Pettit who will represent zone 1, Melissa Kippes who will represent zone 2 and Jennie Ridley will represent zone 5. A huge thank you to our outgoing board members Scott Tverdy, Mike Hamilton and JD Gould. We appreciate the time and effort you have given to our district and community!

We have had some challenges along the way that have caused us to think differently as well. Supply chain issues have required all of us to be more patient, flexible and creative. We continue to be short on staff in certified and classified areas. Even with these challenges, we continue to focus on our district motto, "learn with purpose."

As 2021 comes to a close, may you enjoy this holiday season and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with friends and family! I am so excited for 2022 and what the future holds for our great district!


David Carson


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