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PES | October Newsletter

Dear Popplewell Elementary Families, Staff, Students and Buhl Community,

As fall begins, our year is off to a COVID start. Nothing has been “normal”. I want to thank everyone for their continued support, love, and care of Popplewell.

October has arrived quickly! We are finally in school full day with required face coverings. We are very excited to be back.

Popplewell Elementary teachers are busy! In addition to planning teacher conferences, excellent lessons, teaching every minute of the day, and keeping organized, they try to keep up with the new COVID mandates. I will update the plan that can be found on the website once we make sure everything is working.

Below are a few things that are working well. We are still arriving at school at 7:45 and going directly to class. The students have masks with lanyards in the classroom, dividers, and social distancing per recommendation from Idaho Health and Welfare site. It is recommended for students to bring their masks; however, we are providing within the classroom. With our guidelines and dividers, we are allowing students to take their masks off at their seats. Thanks for your patience and support! COVID is new to all of us.

Early Mornings

Please remember that students are not to be on campus before 7:45 when the doors open and supervision begins. Students that arrive before this time are unsupervised before 7:45. Your child’s safety is a high priority. Please, make sure you do not drop off your child before 7:45 am.  

What to wear

Students need to dress appropriately for the cold weather. Students need to come to school with coats, hats, gloves, and appropriate footwear for cold weather. Please remember that our students go outside every day for recess. Unfortunately, we do not have coats, hats, and gloves for students to borrow. It is essential to double-check with your child as they head off to school and make sure they have their winter wear. Also, please put your child’s name on all items. We know these items are costly, and we want them to be identifiable in the lost and found. Remind your child if they have lost items to check the lost and found located near the office.

Again, I want to thank everyone for all they do for our community and the Buhl School District. 


Cynthia Cooper

Principal Popplewell Elementary


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