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Plant Facility Levy

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians and Buhl Community,

The Buhl School District recently passed a great milestone; the 20-year bond for Buhl High School was paid off in July. It is worth reflecting on this great accomplishment and thanking the school board and voters who, 20 years ago, had the vision and foresight to plan and approve the construction of Buhl High School. Now is the time to look forward.

This past school year the district administration conducted surveys regarding what is needed to improve the district’s facilities. Parents, community members, students, and faculty were asked to rate various improvement projects. The results of that survey indicated overwhelming support from all groups to:

  • Construct a middle school lunchroom

  • Improve the seating at Bowers Field

  • Develop a new athletic field west of the high school

  • Improve the restrooms at Popplewell Elementary

  • Construct a sidewalk to the Ag building

  • Construct handicap ramps for the high school gym and auditorium

  • Remove the modules behind the Ag building and purchase storage containers

  • Install a reader board at Buhl High School

  • Plan for potential growth

The school board and district administration took your suggestions to heart and have prepared the proposed Plant Facility Levy to accomplish these and other projects to improve our schools.

Please remember to vote on August 30th.


David Carson


Buhl School District #412

*Click on images to enlarge


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