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Popplewell Elementary School | Closure Plan

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Closure Plan | Popplewell Elementary School

PACKETS Popplewell Elementary School’s plan rolls out on April 6, 2020. The plan that Popplewell Elementary School Staff developed is to provide packets for learning. The packets will be similar to what the students are learning in class. Teachers will be contacting parents and letting them know the needed information. Teachers will also give office hours to all parents and means to contact them for information. The Elementary packets will be delivered by bus for the students who ride the bus. Watch the website for times the buses will be running. Students, in town, can obtain their packets at the Elementary starting April 6 from the hours 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The packets can be given back to the paras on the bus when completed or collected at the school. We have created three weeks’ worth of work. After the initial three weeks, we will hand out packets weekly. Below, you will find the office hours on the table. Voicemails will only be checked intermittently by the administration, so the best way to reach district administration and building principals is by email. The teachers can also relay messages and have (me) Mrs. Cooper, call back. All emails are available on the website here:



The Buhl School District will start food service on March 30, 2020, at Popplewell Elementary starting at 11:30 a.m. and Ending at 12:15 p.m. It will be a grab and go breakfast and lunch. We have been approved by the USDA to deliver these meals via buses to our Buhl School District students. They will provide breakfast and lunch. Free breakfasts and lunch will be available for children ages 1-18.


No Chromebooks will be distributed at this time for Elementary students. We are only giving packets only at this time.


ISAT Tests grades 3-8 and high school waived by State Board of Education.


If you believe that you have been exposed and have symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath), contact your local health provider. If you do not have a local health provider, call St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center hotline at 208-381-9500. You can also contact the South Central Health Hotline at 208-737-1138 Monday through Friday.


Twin Falls - South Central Health Idaho - Governor Little U. S - Center for Disease Control

Thanks for your cooperation during this time. My email is I will also be checking my voicemail at the school.

Cynthia Cooper, Principal

Office Hours for Popplewell | Please call the PES Office for information Details


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