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Strategic Plan 2022-2027

In September of 2021 the Buhl School District contracted with Boise State University’s Network of Leaders and Learners, a school improvement project, to assist in the development of a five-year strategic planning process. The school board, administration and leadership team wanted to engage the school community in the process of reviewing and assessing the school system’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as programs and practices to validate improvements made. The process included extensive surveying and focus group discussions comprised of students, staff, parents and community stakeholders. As a result of that process, this year the District has identified six “Focus Areas” that contain “Objectives” and yearly “Tasks.” Each year progress on the tasks will be reported on and new tasks will be identified for the upcoming school year. Moving forward the Continuous Improvement Plan will be embedded within the District’s Strategic Plan. After five years the District will go through another strategic planning process that will provide the blueprint for future years.

Buhl Middle School

District Report Card

The website available through this link is designed to provide a complete picture of how well our schools are serving students. Explore key performance indicators, celebrate successes, and review schools identified for supports and improvement.

Fiscal Responsibility

In accordance with Idaho Statute 33-357, Buhl School District maintains accountability and transparency by sharing expenditure and budget documents.

For more information on accountability in Idaho Schools, visit Transparent Idaho.

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